Cardas Clear USB Audiophile Cable
Terminated USB A to USB B. Available in 1.0m, 1.5m and 2.0m, 3.0m and 5.0m lengths
The global success of new Cardas Clear interconnect and loudspeaker cables continue to develop unabated. But, that in no way means George Cardas has given us all Clear technology and design that was to be seen and heard. On the contrary, more Clear products are coming and, if we could be allowed to speculate, there will be plenty more of the kind to see the light of the day before too long

With the accelerating presence of more and more digital streaming devices use to play our favourite pieces of music from our desktop or laptop computers, the level of quality as well as design and engineering execution of USB (Universal Serial Buss) cables used in those applications has become of increased relevance to the audiophile and high-end community. Cardas Audio Clear USB cable with the proprietary Clear conductor design optimises the streaming process between the source of the digital data stream and the digital-to-analogue processing components thereafter. In addition to ensuring a complete and accurate data transmission, Cardas Clear USB cable is also superbly shielded from any radio-frequency (RF) or other types of interference that may occur within our audio systems
The superior construction technology of Cardas Clear with Perfect Mirror Quadaxial conductor geometry comes to a serial bus USB cable. The geometry is a perfect mirror, matched propagation design that is as near to perfection as any ever envisioned. The connectors and the connection techniques are, without a doubt, the best ever devised.
For digital signal transmission, there is no better conduit of delicate high-frequency data streams than Cardas Clear.