IsoTek System Enhancer CD (2nd Edition)
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IsoTek System Enhancer CD (2nd Edition)

  (3 Reviews)
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IsoTek System Enhancer CD - 2nd Edition

Full System Enhancer

A variety of tracks featuring specially developed algorithms, which create a unique set of signals to reduce burn-in time and ‘run-in’ equipment. The disc can also demagnetise audio and audio-visual components.

It is important to exercise an audio system across the full range of frequencies and amplitudes it may encounter in real life, and to this end the tones on this disc have been devised to cover the complete audio band from top to bottom, also ensuring that, for instance, high-amplitude signals are combined with high-speed ones.

In electronic terms, the required signals feature lots of high-speed activity coupled to some high-amplitude excursions. All of these signals have been produced according to strict mathematical criteria, so as to place the greatest stress on the important parts of a system – without, it is important to note, endangering any part of it.

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Seemed to help!
01 September 2021  | 

Used this one evening with the Cardas Sweep LP 2-3 times. A new phono stage was not opening up. I waited and tried the system that night- still drab. The next evening, however, was much improved. That was the first time using the Cards LP and Isotek CD. How much did each contribute to the improvement can't be measured. But, the two made a significant difference. Recommended!

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System Enhancer
03 April 2020  | 

Replaced a free copy I received from a HiFi mag some yearsago (I've lost it, don't know where). More material on this copy &, as usual. it works well on my CD Transport/DAC.

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0 of 1 people found this review helpful.

31 May 2018  | 

perfect for hi-fi audio system

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16 of 32 people found this review helpful.

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