E.A.T Jo No 5 MC Cartridge
High End E.A.T. cartridge. It comes in unmistakeable mint green colour and features a truthful and immersive sound that is pure E.A.T.
E.A.T. is very proud to announce its second cartridge creation in history, after the highly acclaimed and successful Yosegi MC. Jo No.5 is an elegant masterpiece, both sonically as well as visually.
Cartridge body and stylus guard are produced by an additive manufacturing process which is called Selective Laser Sintering (SLS). This process sinters thin layers of powder with a laser to build the final structure.

Moving Coil Cartridge
Moving Coil turntable pickup
Nude Fine Line stylus type!
Body and stylus guard made of Polyamide
Selective Laser Sintering manufacturing process
Elegant looks
Unmistakeable E.A.T. mint colour!
E.A.T. Jo N°5 Cartridge technical information
Stylus type Nude Fine Line
Cartridge Weight 15 g
Stylus tip radius 8/40 μm
Frequency response 20 – 26.000 Hz ±1.5dB
Output voltage at 1000 Hz 5cm/sec. 0.33 mV
Channel Separation at 1 kHz > 25dB
Channel Separation at 15 kHz > 16dB
Channel Balance at 1kHz > 1.2 dB
Compliance, dynamic/lateral 12 μm/mN
Tracking force range 2.2-2.5 g (22-25 mN)
Tracking force recommended 2.4 g (24 mN)
Tracking ability at 315 Hz at recommended tracking force 80 μm
Tracking angle 20°
Coil wire material Pure 4N copper
Recommended load impedance > 20Ω
Internal impedance, DC resistance 5Ω