Koetsu Rhodonite Platinum Moving Coil Cartridge
"The end result is harmonious and cohesive, and the music unfolds in a way that gives you more time to listen – more time to unravel the individual strands that form part of the whole."
The pinnacle of cartridge design can be found in a Koetsu stone body. The body is machined from a block of high quality stone. Each block is carefully selected for natural grain and polished to a very fine finish.
Internally, only the most tightly matched silver sheathed copper coils and cores are used. Rare platinum magnets allow the stone body cartridges to fully create the ethereal sound on which Koetsu has earned its reputation.
Rhodonite Stone Body
Silverplated Copper Coil Wiring
Platinum Magnet
Boron Cantilever
0.3 mV Output
13.5 g Net Weight
Recommended Tracking Force 1.8-2.0g
Recommended Load 80-1,000 ohms