In the late 2000’s, Audio Technica changed the game releasing the original ATH-M50. The M50’s served not only the professional studio world, but also crossed over to the consumer mass market taking it by storm. One of the best budget headphones, the sound is excellent, but the pads leave some room for improvement.
When you take soft, supple sheepskin and wrap it in dense, slow rebounding memory foam, you increase isolation, comfort and sound stage.
The sheepskin and foam wrap create a tight but comfortable seal on your head, even if you wear glasses, to ensure that our discerning listeners have a great headphone experience.
- Audio Technica ATH-M20X ATH-M30X ATH-M40X ATH-M50X
- Clear-Com CC300 CC400
- Sony CD900ST MDR-7506 MDRV6