Pro-Ject Design Box Equipment Stand
The Rack Box is a convenient, stylish and affordable way of keeping your various Box Design electronics together. The three-layer stand structure has plenty of space in the back for interconnects cables to link all your electronics, and the curved front allows easy access to the controls on the front of each of your boxes.
These racks are available in gloss black, red and white finishes - to perfectly match the Speaker Box 5 speakers.
Design Box 2:
As shown in Image 1 (Red Box in the images).
For housing the following types of combinations...
- 2 x 'S' models (i.e. Media Box S + Stereo Box S)
- 1 x 'DS' model (i.e. Stereo Box DS - not double-width DS models)
Design Box 4:
As shown in Image 2 (White Box in the images).
For housing the following types of combinations...
- 1 x double-width DS model (i.e. CD Box DS or Stream Box DS)
- 1 x double-width 'S' model and 2 x 'S' models (i.e. CD Box S + DAC Box S + Stereo Box S)
- 2 x DS models (i.e. Pre Box DS + Amp Box DS Stereo)
- 4 x 'S' models (i.e. Tuner Box S, Media Box S, Pre Box S, Amp Box S)
- Combination of single-width DS and S models.