The heart of your Lina system, our powerful network streaming DAC delivers extraordinary sound from any digital source.
• All-new electronic and mechanical design delivers a vast range of features in a compact and elegant format, while digital volume control function removes need for separate pre-amp
Product Dimensions / Weight
121.5mm (H) x 220mm (W) x 339mm (D) 7.4kg
Analogue Ouputs
• 1 x stereo pair 3 pin balanced XLR
• 1 x stereo pair unbalanced RCA
L-R Crosstalk
Better than –115dB0, 20Hz-20kHz
Streaming Compatibility
Supports the following platforms and services:
• UPnP
• Qobuz
• Deezer
• Tidal
• Internet Radio
• Spotify
• Apple AirPlay 2 (support at 44.1 or 48kS/s)
• RoonReady
Digital Inputs
• 2 x AES/EBU on 3 pin XLR 44.1-384kS/s
• 1 x S/PDIF BNC Coax 44.1-192kS/s
• 1 x S/PDIF on RCA 44.1-192kS/s
• 1 x Toslink 44.1-96kS/s
• 1 x USB Type B 44.1-384kS/s, PCM and DSD, DSDx2 in Async Mode
• 1 x USB Type A connector for mass storage devices (navigated using Mosaic)
Frequency Response (set to filter 1)
• Fs = 44.1 or 48kS/s +/-0.1dB, 10Hz-20kHz
• Fs = 88.2 or 96kS/s +/-0.1dB, 10Hz-20kHz -3dB @ >38kHz
• Fs = 176.4 or 192kS/s +/-0.1dB, 10Hz-20kHz -3dB @ >67kHz
• Fs = 352.8 or 384kS/s +/-0.1dB, 10Hz-20kHz -3dB @ >100kHz
• DSD64 +/-0.1dB, 10Hz-20kHz -3dB @ >90kHz
• DSD128 +/-0.1dB, 10Hz-20kHz -3dB @ >100kHz
Residual Noise (6v output setting)
• 16-bit data: Better than –96dB0, 20Hz-20kHz unweighted
• 24-bit data: Better than –113dB0, 20Hz-20kHz unweighted
Sample frequencies and formats
Supports the following audio formats
and sample rates:
• 44.1-384kHz
• DSD 64, 128
• Native DSD + DoP (input dependent)

dCS Lina Master Clock
Our Grade 1 Master Clock uses dual crystal oscillators to deliver a precise and stable clocking reference. Used as part of a complete Lina system, it enhances all aspects of sound for an even more immersive listening experience
Allows the Lina Network DAC to be locked to a master reference signal for enhanced audio performance
Minimises jitter and irregularities that can cause distortion

• Dual crystal oscillators - one for 44.1kHz and one for 48kHz - ensure accurate clocking for all audio formats and frequencies
• Standalone design with dedicated chassis and electronics minimises risk of clock signal interference
• Oven-controlled oscillators ensure a consistent and stable performance, even under changing conditions
• Minimises the risk of jitter and delivers a notable increase in sound quality when streaming or listening via USB
• Delivers clock signal accurate to > +/-1 ppm
• Uses propietary clocking technology refined over three decades, for unrivalled precision and longevity

Product Dimensions / Weight
121.5mm (H) x 220mm (W) x 339mm (D) / 7kg
Startup Time
Typically 10 minutes to rated accuracy
Clock Accuracy
Better than +/-1 ppm when shipped over an ambient temperature range of +5°C to +45°C
Word Clock Outputs
• 2 x independently buffered TTL-compatible output on 75Ω BNC connectors
• Output 1: fixed at 44.1kHz
• Output 2: fixed at 48kHz