MS HD Power MS-NBX23 Power Reconciliation Device
Power Reconciliation Device
It has been almost 50 years since MS started their business in electrical and electronic industry. This demonstrates the tremendous strength and enormous potentiality of MS's technological capability. MS always design and manufacture high quality, high performance products for desired Hi Fi enthusiast.
The new MS-NBX23 Power Reconciliation Device is the extension of MS-NBX22, which was launched to the market in 2012. After three years continuous research and test, MS-NBX23 becomes a refined power reconciliation device that assists filtering socket to become a sophisticated and advanced system.
Main Design Concept
It is known that electric circuit contains Earth terminal, Live terminal and Neutral terminal. MS-NBX23 uses feedback loop concept that make use of the close relationship of E, N, L to "suck" out all those annoying noise inside the electrical circuit so that the filtering socket can supply tremendous clean power to Hi Fi systems. The newly developed 78K cryogenic treatment like adding a beautiful thing to a present splendor. MS-NBX23 is so designed that it can be used in an AC electric circuit from 100VAC to 240VAC, 50-60 Hz with no current limitation.
Two Methods Suggested to Hi Fi Enthusiasts
(1) For those who have twin wall sockets system, first connect the plug top of the MS-NBX23 to one of the twin wall sockets while the MS Filtering Socket is plugged into the other socket. One will immediately enjoy the roaring supply of pouring clean power, just like sitting inside a theater and listen to the real sound of orchestra.
(2) For those who have single wall socket system, first connect the plug top of the MS Filtering Socket to the single wall socket while the MS-NBX23 is plugged onto one of the MS Filtering Sockets. The result will be similar to the above, only the former has better result.
MS-NBX23 will also work with those are non-MS Filtering Sockets, however, the result will not be as the same as that with MS Filtering Sockets.
Is MS-NBX23 Filtering Socket?
The design concept for this product was to strengthen the filtering performance of the MS Filtering Sockets. It is not a mainstream product. Hi Fi enthusiasts have to use the MS Filtering Socket along with MS-NBX23 in order to obtain best result.
78K Cryogenic Treatment
The whole set of MS-NBX23's internal circuit is transported to UK's cooperative company for professional 78K cryogenic treatment in order to enhance and strengthen its performance. This is the reason why most of the large scale concerts as well as CD recording studios employ MS-NBX23 Power Reconciliation Device for their performance and production.