14 June 2024 | James
Bought this belt for a c533 which must be about 24 years old, which I just bought second hand. The new belt feels slightly tacky, fits perfectly, and drives the subplatter without slipping. My turntable was only a week old when I changed the belt. The old belt felt cracked and had a kink in it.
Its worth looking at the main bearing on the NAD c533 (Rega P2) at this age. I went and bought some fully synthetic 80w90 gear oil, and put two drops in the main bearing, after removing it and flushing it with some degreaser. The table is working perfectly, with a "wow" of 0.10% and RPM of 33.5. In my opinion, the effect of the bearing maintenance is of equal importance as changing the belt.
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26 December 2018 | Neil
Prompt delivery, article as described.
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Replacement Belt for NAD 533 14 November 2016 | Ian
Have yet to fit belt as existing belt still good but pleased with speed of order and pricing.
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