Solidsteel HP-2 Prestige Ceramic Hi-Fi Equipment Rack

To celebrate the big success of the traditional "Hyperspike Series", officially introduced in the world market in 2006 and still present as the highest technical and qualitative expression of our brand products, comes the new and innovative Hyperspike Prestige Series (HP Series) with the purpose of paying tribute to the universe of high fidelity through a line of élite products having solid stainless steel structures and shelves in ceramic filled with a medium-high density polyurethane foam.
The extreme and precise turning of the spikes, combined with the excellent technical characteristics of the special ceramic shelves, merges in a remarkable combination of materials for the highest valorization of the best audio components on the market, allowing also the finest efficiency on the damping of vibrations within our entire product park. The solidity of the ceramic, also strong of its important insulating properties, which already are widely used from years in the building industry, is applied to a frame made with resin edges (to allow the precise drilling) and a homogeneous filling based on a polyurethane foam to increase the degree of efficiency for vibration's damping. The stickiness of the material, in fact, favors the attenuation of tremors or of natural oscillations and lends itself well to support the working of the media structure that, through the prestigious "Hyperspike" stainless steel spikes, tend to discharge toward the ground all the vibrations that create resonance. It is therefore fundamental setting up properly the product spikes before of placing the audio components on the shelves. This is very practical thanks to the easy regulating system of each frame part. For the best audio performances we recommend that every spike is touching its concave spot on the frame. The Hyperspike Prestige consists of decoupled shelves according to the most advanced of our technologies. The quality and combination of materials represents the best that our brand has ever made. It is available both in slate black and in natural travertine finish. Each shelf have a weight sustainability of tested 100 Kg (220 lb).