26 August 2019 | Derek
A simple mechanical balance that does the job without fuss. Hence good value for money. It would be a 5 star rating if the figures on the scale were not obstructed from view by the cartridge body.
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09 January 2017 | David
We assume that any scale that is sold has been calibrated accurately - if so it works as well as the more expensive digital models.
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3 of 3 people found this review helpful.
09 January 2017 | David
A well made product that does the job a lot better than a bit of paper downloaded from a website.
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4 of 4 people found this review helpful.
Simple & relatively inexpensive device 24 February 2016 | D
I have recently got back into vinyl and had just bought a new cartridge for my SME III Thorens TD160 Super turntable. I wanted something that would check to see if the setting made on the tonearm were translated to the disc, so seeing the Thorens name, it seemed like an obvious choice and it was relatively inexpensive. The unit is a simple mechanical balance, initially I did not find the instructions obvious (probably age related). I thought the large red section was important, but it is not. One just keeps placing the stylus on different points of the graduated plastic scale until the black section balances. This showed in my case that the 2g set on the arm recorded approx.1.8g on the stylus gauge. I don't know what the tolerances on this gauge or my arm settings are, so which is more accurate is difficult to say, I assume it would be this gauge and showed that I was close to the nominal tracking force for the cartridge.
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4 of 4 people found this review helpful.