KAB Super Record Grip (Bubble Level & Record Clamp)
Excellent on Rega and other short spindle Turntables
The newly redesigned KAB super record grip was designed to replace and improve upon the PIG clamp originally supplied with the Revolver brand turntables. This new design features a 2 piece precision molded frame, spring rubber insert and UHMW polyethylene non marring contact surface.This is especially useful on Rega brand turntables and others where there is very little spindle to grab on to.
The KAB Super record grip reduces resonance and acoustic vibration of the record itself, freeing the stylus to do its intended job of tracing the groove. The result is better focus and detail to the soundstage.
The Super record grip attaches quickly; by turning with slight pressure, it "walks" down the spindle and meets the record surface.
Spring reinforced rubber insert holds onto the turntable spindle firmly.
The built in bubble level allows a quick check of turntable level. A level turntable balances the forces of the needle in the groove.
When the needle is resting in the record groove, the entire record surface behaves as a microphone picking up vibrations from the air and the turntable below. Damping the record surface reduces the affect of these "added vibrations" to the stylus's already difficult job of reading the groove

Handy Built-in bubble level shows turntable level at a glance.
Wide, tapered footprint for good contact.
Low profile clears most dust covers.
Soft, lightweight rubber won't scratch spindles, scuff labels or interfere with sensitive turntable suspensions.
Low Profile
Won't Stress Bearings
Great for suspensionless turntables
Light (only 85 grams.)
Very Easy to Use
Just push and turn and the grip tightens right up to the label, putting the disc in direct contact with the mat. Fast and effective.
Size: 63 5 mm Wide x 30.48 mm High
Max. Spindle Length: 5/8"
Weight: 85 grams
Colour: Black
NOTE: Some consideration should be given to spring suspensions since some pressure is required to apply the record grip.