Icon Audio PS3 MkII Phono Pre-Amplifier
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Icon Audio PS3 MkII Phono Pre-Amplifier

  (3 Reviews)


£2,290.83 Exc. VAT |  |





Icon Audio PS3 MkII Phono Pre-Amplifier

Following on from Icon Audio's acclaimed PS1 phono stage which won “5 Globes” in Hi Fi World (03/2008) for its excellent sound quality, they have pushed the boundaries of valve technology even further with the new PS3 model. To do this they have used all their expertise and experience to create a “no expense spared” phono stage which addresses all the weaknesses of more conventional designs but still retaining our “All Valve” philosophy. And amazing value!

Special amplification needs a special power supply. Icon Audio started with a large, oversized power transformer and a full wave valve EZ80 rectifier followed by two large chokes for ultra-smooth power. This is then regulated by a low resistance 5687 valve controlled by an ECC83 for the very accurate voltage necessary for exceptional purity and performance. The pre-amp unit uses the “cascode effect” of using two valves together in a special way to obtain high gain with low noise this gives exceptional definition and sound staging whilst keeping the vivid colour and warmth that the PS1 phono stage is famous for. With two inputs and a moving coil option using Icon Audio's own “hand wound” moving coil transformers. The output is handled by the venerable 6SN7. Introduced in 1941, probably the most luxurious sounding hi fi valve ever, with so many old and new version.


Specifications & Features

- Built in volume control, will drive most power amps
- Max output 50 volts for massive headroom.
- Two turntable inputs 1xMM 1xMC/MM
- Signal to noise ratio -88db MM unweighted
- Stereo/mono switch for better S/N and distortion from mono and worn stereo records
- Valve rectified power supply
- Valve regulated power supply
- Twin Choke for exceptional smoothing
- Separate Power supply for lower noise
- Comprehensive manual supplied with tube change info
- All hand wired point to point
- No printed circuit board to ‘colour’ sound
- Japanese Blue ALPS volume pot.
- All Triode valves  
- 4x ECC88 1x 6SN7 (pre-amp)
- 1x EZ80 1x ECC83 1x 5687 (power supply)
- Sensitivity: 3mv for 1.26v output (0.3mv MC)@
- Gain MM 53db MC 72db
- Load: imp: 47k MM, 100 ohms MC
- Output source impedance 50 ohms
- RIAA Freq response 20hz-20khz +0 – 0.5db
- NO feedback used, Passive RIAA  
- Low noise oversized 2w metal film resistors
- Blue LED mains indicator
- Polypropylene audio capacitors
- Silver PTFE audio cable
- DC supply for valve heaters
- Heater circuit floated to minimise heater-cathode noise
- Polished stainless steel chassis
- 6mm solid alloy front & rear plates
- Gold plated Input terminals






Average Rating (3 Reviews):  
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Very Impressive Phono Preamplifier at Moderate Price
17 July 2020  | 

This phono preamplifier sounds transparent, dynamic but not too clinical. Music as simply flows out naturally and effortlessly, and is especially good at vocal and classical music reproduction. These sonic characters are probably attributed to its valve regulated and valve stabilised power supply.
I would like to say many thanks to Gary for good communication, secure packing and fast delivery.

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top phono stage, top service
04 May 2019  | 

David and Gary
I would like to thank David and Gary for an excellent phono stage and an outstanding service!

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3 of 3 people found this review helpful.

Magical Sound phono stage
01 September 2018  | 

This phono preamp was recommended by Gary and thanks to Gary for true recommendation. I upgraded from solid state to tube state.
I would say, at first look, it looked costly for me but when i felt its performance, its beyond price.
Very crystal clear highs without being harsh, Amazing instrumental separation...I found this most recommended phono stage.
And thanks to Gary for good packing and very quick service.

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18 of 28 people found this review helpful.

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