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Primare Upgrades & Accessories

In the mid 1980s, long before anyone had heard of 'lifestyle' design, the first Primare range of hi-fi components was launched. The now celebrated 900 Series and 200 series products symbolised a radical shift in the way music systems were perceived: they proved that great sounding hi-fi could also be rewarding to look at and easy to use. Overnight the rules had changed: Primare made hi-fi for living as well as for listening!

Continuous Innovation and entrepreneurial dynamism gained Primare a reputation for excellence among consumers and designers alike. When engineer Bjorn Holmqvist joined the team in the late 1990s, Primare was ready to be counted as one of the world’s most progressive and desirable high-end hi-fi companies.

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01733 350 878
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Analogue Seduction