Finally available again after too long an absence, this cartridge alignment device is simple to use and extremely accurateMounting and aligning cartridges can be a tedious and time-consuming chore. Not with the Mobile Fidelity Sound Lab GEODISC! This cartridge alignment device is simple to use and extremely accurate. Just fit the disc on your platter and align using the simple printed graph based on the Baerwald alignment curve. You will never realize the full potential of your cartridge without the proper set-up tool.
I had just bought a new cartridge and felt I should consider this Alignment Tool. I always try to read reviews first and these gave me confidence to buy this Tool.I chose this company as there’s was the best price, and it was sent immediately by 1st class post. I had first got a clip-on variable light to help fit the cartridge.and this was also very helpful with lining up the Tool.I found the cartridge set up with this tool straightforward and very effective.Both product and company highly recommended.
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With my Linn dealer unavailable during this weirdest of situations (2020 Covid 19 lockdown), I decided that I would, for the first time in my life, change the cartridge on my LP12 myself. I dithered for ages over whether to get this device or to rely on the paper protractor I received with my Origin Live Onyx arm. In the end, I was persuaded by the reviews and I am so glad I did. For a virgin in these matters, removing the old cartridge (a DV 10x4) was a tad nerve wracking in prospect but quite easy in the end. Fitting the new DV10x5 Mk 2 was also straight forward (the stylus guard was a godsend), mainly due to the captive threads for the supplied fixing screws. Fitting the 4 tiny signal tags with a pair of small needle nosed pliers was also much simpler than anticipated. Then, lining up the Geodisc was made significantly easier after I had marked a silver line on top of the thin ridge along the A-B line. I used a fat tipped silver Pentel invitation marker and it worked a treat (but the manufacturers really should have done this: it’s an obvious thing to do). To make it even easier to line up with the arm pivot point, I inserted a small driver vertically into the star screw in the centre of the arm bearing housing. Thus, when I sighted along the silver line at the driver, it was really simple to line it up precisely. A piece of insulating tape secured the platter to the top plate and it was then an easy matter lining up and squaring off the cartridge on the hatched area of the GeoDisc. I then set the tracking weight (easy peasy on the Origin Live arm) with a digital gauge. Finally, a last check on the tightness of the cartridge fixing screws and a re-check of the overhang, which was still spot on. Job done!So, yes, it’s expensive for a piece of moulded black plastic but the value of an object is related to how well it does the job it’s designed for, not its manufacturing cost, so (even with the lack of a white A/B line), I reckon the Geodisc was was worth every penny.
1 of 1 people found this review helpful.
Got this to check cartridge overhang on so called factory installed cartridge on a high end manufacturers turntable.Cart was too far forward by 4-5mm.Used this simple tool and now turntable sounds loads better!Highs clearer and no distortion, bass also better!Highly recommended even if your turntable comes installed with a cartridge.
4 of 10 people found this review helpful.
Much better than the protractor supplied with my Audio Technica LP5 and a printed one from the internet (this especially because it's tricky to measure spindle to tonearm pivot distance for turntables that don't specify it). Basic protractors are ok for some cartridges (including the one supplied with the LP5), but shibata stily (such as the one found on my LP Gear AT95SA) are less forgiving of poor allignment. I spent countless hours trying to allign it with other stuff, but the GeoDisc solves everything (provided you can propperly align the AB line so it points exactly at your tonearm pivot: this is quintessential.
22 of 40 people found this review helpful.
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